Making The Ask

Making The Ask

If you’ve been following the series of blogs about securing sponsors for your podcast, you’re familiar with the following:

So what’s next? Making the ask. If you’ve done the things suggested in the prior blogs, making the ask gets a whole lot easier. Especially if you have a warm introduction to a potential sponsor. Or better yet—a budding relationship with them. Securing a sponsorship requires more than just presenting a compelling case. It’s about creating a personalized, engaging experience that resonates with the sponsor and demonstrates mutually beneficial support. Here’s how to craft an effective ask:

Prepare a Personalized Ask

A successful sponsorship request begins with personalization. Tailoring your approach to fit the sponsor’s preferences and interests can significantly increase your chances of a positive outcome.

Schedule a Meeting: Start by arranging a face-to-face meeting or a video call. These formats allow for a more personal interaction, which can make your pitch more impactful.

Prepare Your Pitch: In addition to your elevator pitch (which is a totally different topic), you should develop a clear and compelling pitch that outlines the specific need, the anticipated impact, and the exact amount you’re requesting. A pitch may be informally delivered, but you should practice the pitch with some formality to delivery it under any circumstance. StartupNation’s guide for Practicing Your Pitch is excellent for sponsorship pursuits, as well. Practice your pitch to ensure you deliver it with clarity and confidence.

Making the Ask

When you’re ready to make the ask, approach it with confidence and precision. Here’s how to navigate the conversation effectively:

Express Gratitude: SAY THANK YOU. Always. Begin by thanking the sponsor for their time and the opportunity to speak with them.

Present the Opportunity: Clearly explain the sponsor opportunity. Remember the bit I wrote earlier about Negotiating Terms? Be clear about time frame, number of episodes, ad placement, and any other variables you can put on the table.

Ask Directly: Be straightforward about the amount you’re requesting. Use a specific figure rather than vague terms. Be clear about what you want from the sponsor, and what they’re getting in return.

Be Ready for Questions and Discussion

Sponsors may have questions or need additional information before making a decision. Be prepared to address their queries thoughtfully:

Provide Details: Be ready to share comprehensive information about how the funds will be used, the projected outcomes, and any other relevant details that could influence their decision.

Address Concerns: Listen attentively to any concerns or objections the sponsor might have. Respond to them transparently and constructively to build trust and credibility.

Follow Up and Show Appreciation

Regardless of the outcome, it’s essential to follow up and express your gratitude. Keeping the sponsor informed about the impact of their potential gift can help maintain a positive relationship:

Send a Thank-You Note: ALWAYS SAY THANK YOU. Immediately send a personalized thank-you note or email, expressing your appreciation for their time and consideration.

Update on Progress: Keep the sponsor updated on the progress of the project or series they’re supporting.

Cultivate the Relationship

Building a long-term relationship with the sponsor can lead to continued support and future contributions. Here’s how to cultivate that relationship:

Engage Regularly: Maintain regular contact through updates, events, and personal interactions to keep the sponsor engaged with your efforts.

Involve Them in Your Content Creation: Invite them to events, involve them in production, or seek their advice on episode topics. This helps strengthen their connection to you and your production.

Making the ask for a sponsorship involves a strategic blend of personalization, clear communication, and relationship-building. By understanding the sponsor’s interests, presenting a compelling opportunity, and maintaining open communication, you enhance your chances of securing a sponsorship that can drive your podcast forward. Remember, the goal is to make the sponsor feel valued and deeply connected to your cause. Foster that relationship.

Within the next and final blog in this series, I’ll try to address Navigating the Legal Landscape around podcast sponsorships. As always, don’t hesitate to contact the Podcast Wizard if I can help you with your production or sponsorship endeavors.