Securing Sponsors for My Podcasts

Securing Sponsors

I was recently asked how I went about securing sponsors for my podcasts.  My short answer was: “Over several years I set a track record of producing content that drew a listening audience with consistency. Then I made a list of companies who might have things to sell to that audience…”  And I stand by that as a short answer. 

But then I started to write out a more thorough list of steps and things to consider as one nurtured their own podcasting efforts to success. I ended up splitting my thoughts into six, different sections, as follows. I hope you find this information useful, and welcome your thoughts, questions and comments via the Podcast Wizardry Contact Form or the Podcast Wizardry page on LinkedIn.

Securing Sponsors for My Podcasts

First of all, you should be enjoying your podcasting experience.  You should be regular and consistent in your production.  You should strive to have high production values, and you should be aware of who your audience is.  THEN you should be aware of…

Creating A Winning Media Kit

You may or may not get asked for a media kit. I say making one is at least good practice and rehearsal, even if you never need to share it.

Research Potential Sponsors

What is Industry Fit? How do you do a Competitor Analysis? And what about Crafting a Pitch?

Build Your Network

Repeat after me: build your network. Look, you don’t have to like it, but these days, the contents of your contact list is at least as valuable as the stuff you studied and all your professional skills. I’ve heard it said, “If the house burns down, grab your rolodex.” And there are several reasons for this.

Making The Ask

Securing a sponsorship requires more than just presenting a compelling case. It’s about creating a personalized, engaging experience that resonates with the sponsor and demonstrates mutually beneficial support. Here’s how to craft an effective ask.

Navigating the Legal Landscape

(Drafting a Podcast Sponsorship Contract) A well-drafted sponsorship contract not only protects your interests but also fosters a clear, professional relationship with your sponsor.